
Qiang Yanfeng said that we should not only strictly grasp epidemic prevention and control, but also care about enterprise production and operation

View:16302021-01-21 00:00:00

On January 20th, County Party Secretary Qiang Yanfeng visited some enterprises in the Economic Development Zone to conduct research and guide epidemic prevention and control, as well as production and operation work. Wang Yingmin, member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee and Director of the County Committee Office, and Cheng Xuemin, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone, accompanied the investigation. Qiang Yanfeng came to the Economic Development Zone to conduct a visit and research on the recovery hydraulic system.
Qiang Yanfeng inquired about the relevant situation to the owners of the enterprise, and encouraged the enterprise to seriously implement the superior epidemic prevention and control measures, timely understand the willingness of non local employees to return home, mobilize employees to celebrate the New Year in Cheng'an, and reduce the pressure of epidemic prevention and control caused by personnel mobility. At the same time, we also hope that enterprises can prevent and control production without any mistakes, and focus on production and operation while taking effective prevention and control measures.

Qiang Yanfeng said that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in our county is generally stable, but there are still many uncertain factors. All enterprises must attach great importance to it, fulfill the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, place epidemic prevention and control in an important position, put employee safety first, carefully and meticulously carry out internal epidemic prevention and control work, and strictly follow the requirements to take epidemic prevention measures such as factory disinfection, wearing masks, temperature testing, and staggered meals; We must strictly control external personnel and vehicles, prioritize the recruitment of local workers for production, and strengthen employees' self-protection and publicity guidance; On the premise of ensuring safety, we should focus on the production and operation of enterprises.

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